
This blog was created to log interesting and "clever" problems in Biology that can be solved using a high-school (ish) level of knowledge.

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Medical Challenge (2023)Original Miscellaneous Problems

Original Miscellaneous Problems


  1. Multiple True-False:

    Which is/are correct?

    In the zone that the oligodendrocyte wraps around the neuron, action potiential could be artificially induced

    In parasympathetic respond of the Autonomic Nervous System, the secondary Neurotransmitter is Acetylcholine.

  2. Multiple True-False:

    A scientist devise a machine that can detect the intracellular voltage change and transfer the same amount of change other cell as shown in the diagram.

    Intracellular-Intracellular Voltage Change Transfer Machine Diagram by CS
    Intracellular-Intracellular Voltage Change Transfer Machine Diagram - An Original Diagram by CS

    If a sea urchin sperm is inseminated into DISH A, the observed neuron in DISH B will depolarize.

    The action potential of the observed neuron is only approching the axon terminal.

    While the action potential is happening, the Na-K ion pumps halt their workings.

Medical Challenge (2023)

Genetics and Molecular Genetics

  1. A medical student cloned the promotor of plasmid pBR322 of Escherichia coli which has the origin of replication labelled "ori". He later cultured two sets the bacteria with 1) ampicilin and 2) tetracycline (in the table). The lab result was unfortunately mixed up.

    Diagram of the pBR322

    Which of the lab result is probably the correct one?

    ChoiceRestriction EnzymeSuccessful Bacterial Culture
    In Ampicillin infused AgarIn Tetracycline infused Agar
    AEco RI++
    BBam HI-+
    CBam HI++
    DPst I+-
    EPst I-+
    Spoiler Alert!

    As there is no official answer published, the solution written from the synthesis of Camp II POSN Bio Students (now abbreviated as "CIIPB").


    Some of CIIPB argued that the answer should be A deducing from the result of the restiction enzyme culture.

    Nevertheless, I think that the answer should be E with the following resoning:

    If you follow the diagram given above, and as mentioned in this Wikipedia article: "There are two sites for restriction enzymes HindIII and ClaI within the promoter of the TetR gene." Thus, the vector of the arrow is the direction which the transcription will happen.

    The problem stated that we want the promoter of the plasmid labelled "ori" which in the solution diagram is read from >3000 to >2000 PstI should thus be used since we know that the promoter is located between -70 base pair before the start codon.

    From the deduction using the restriction enzyme, the answer should, hence, be E.

    Note: This is not an official answer!

SIA Exam Problems from Miscellanous Origins Candidate

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